Rabbit presents a short documentary on the creation of the Warm Springs Tribal Telecom
At the September NTTA Tribal Broadband Summit, Adam Haas and Lonny Macy presented a 5-minute documentary on the Warm Springs Telecom. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs launched the Warm Springs Telecom (WST) over 12 years ago and it continues to this day as a successful example of a tribally owned Broadband provider, serving the Warm Springs Tribal Nation located in Oregon.
Adam began consulting to the Tribes in 2001 and documented, through photos, the many stages that took place over the years to improve telecommunications for this tribal nation, including a Needs Assessment, a Community Connect Grant, two Telecommunications Strategic Plans, and eventually, the creation of the Warm Springs Telecom where he served as its first general manager. Lonny Macy was previously the Planning Director for the Warm Springs Tribes and was very involved in the strategic plan that led to the formation of WST; Lonny currently serves as the Chair of the Warm Springs Telecom Board of Directors.